In this page you will be able to view and change some of your company/membership details, renew or upgrade your membership, add sub-accounts, and view feedback left to you by others.
Log into the platform using your username / email address and password.
Hover over your profile name in the menu located in the top of the page.
Click “Company Account”.
Company details tab
The platform admin will use the details shown in this tab to communicate with the account holder.
In this tab you can view all your company and membership details and edit the below.
The name of the company contact person.
The position of the company contact person.
The email address of the company contact person.
The mobile number of the company contact person.
The telephone number of the company contact person.
Accreditations tab
In this tab you can view, add and delete your entity accreditations, which will show in your profile and help your trading partners with their business decisions.
Click “Add Accreditations”.
Enter the name of your accreditations for example iso 27001 or R2.
Click “Choose” to browse and upload your accreditation certificate.
Click “Submit”to upload your accreditation.
Repeat the same process if you have more than one accreditation to upload.
Company users tab
In this tap you can view, add, and remove sub accounts to your company account. A sub account is basically another user account linked to your company account, it has its own email address, and set of incoming and outgoing settings, this is particularly useful if you want to give access to two different personals in two different departments in your company.
Click “Add New User”.
Fill in the form.
Click “Save”
If you would like to remove or edit any account details, click the red button to delete, and the blue one to edit any details
Feedback tab
In this tab you can view, the feedback left to you by others, your feedback average will be tagged to all your broadcasts and company profile when viewed by others.