Contact lists

  • In this page you will be able to view and edit your contact lists, any changes you make in this page will be on going until you change them again.

  • The idea behind favourites list gives you the ability to create a group of members (irrespective of their regions, or countries), who you prefer trading with, so you may further customise your account to receive and send notification to this group of members only.

  • The idea behind exclude list gives you the ability to create a group of members (irrespective of their regions, or countries), who you do not prefer trading with, so you may further customise your account not to receive or send notification to this group of members.


  1. Log into the platform using your username / email address and password.

  2. Hover over your profile name in the menu located in the top of the page.

  3. Click “My Contact lists”.

Favourite list tab

  1. To add a company, start typing the first 3 charters of its name, the system, will suggest and shortlist the companies that match the data you entered, click the name of the company you would like to add, and it will appear in the table below.

  2. To remove a company from the list, click the red bin button under “Actions” column.


Exclude list tab

  1. To add a company, start typing the first 3 charters of its name, the system, will suggest and shortlist the companies that match the data you entered, click the name of the company you would like to add, and it will appear in the table below.

  2. To remove a company from the list, click the red bin button under “Actions” column.