In this page you can add/edit/remove your customers email addresses and the lists they belong to, you can also set your smtp server details.
Log into the platform using your username / email address and password.
Hover over the” Tools” menu located in the top of the page.
Click “Marketing Campaigns” then click “Manage Audience”.
Email addresses tab
Click “Add New Address” to add a new email address/s.
Copy and paste the email address/s you wish to add, or you may choose to upload a txt or csv file which includes the email addresses you wish to add.
Select “Add To A Mailing List” if you would like to add the address/s you have pasted/imported to a list, this option is useful if you have categorised your audience according their interest, so you may have a list for your Cisco customers and another for printer consumables customers.
Click” Select Existing List” if you have already created a list before or click “Create A New List” and enter the name of your new list.
Click “Save”
Add an email address/s to an existing list
Click the selection box in the left side of the email address/s you would like to add to a particular list.
Click “Add Selection To List”.
Click to select from an existing list, or enter the name of a new list and click “Save”
Delete and email address
Click the red bin icon in far right of the table to delete any email address you wish to remove.
Click the selection box in the left side of the email address/s you would like to delete and click “Delete Selection” red button in the top right side of the table.
Mailing lists tab
You can view and edit your mailing lists and its members.
Create a new list
Click “Create A List”.
Enter the name of your new list.
Select “Import email to the new mailing list” If you would like to add members to your new list.
Click “Save”
Delete a mailing list
Click the red bin icon in the right side of the table to delete any mailing list you wish to remove.
Remove a member of a mailing list
Click the blue edit button in the right side of the mailing list you wish to edit its members.
Click the red bin icon in far right of the table to delete any email address you wish to remove from the list.
Click the selection box in the left side of the email address/s you would like to delete and click “Delete Selection” red button in the top right side of the table.
Smtp Settings tab
In this tab you can enter and test your own mailing server details (SMTP) you may acquire this from your company IT team or ISP.
- Enter you SMTP details and click” Test Settings” the details will only work if you get a green successful results message.