(GPU card) WTS: 156, NVIDIA/AMD, P600...

Item Details

Category GPU card
Title (GPU card) WTS: 156, NVIDIA/AMD, P600, P1000, P4000, P5000, W7100 and others, Graded, Offer
Model P600, P1000, P4000, P5000, W7100 and others
Condition Graded
Quantity 156
Price Offer
Description Hello,

all grade a

42x P600 HIGH PROFILE- 70,51E
27x P1000 LOW PROFILE - 104,09E
17x R7 350x HIGH PROFILE - 38,16E
14x M4000 - 176,02E
12x HD 6350 HIGH PROFILE - 3E
12x W7100 HIGH PROFILE - 173,42E
9x P4000 - 353,48E
8x P5000 - 530,22E
6x W2100 HIGH PROFILE - 22,75E
4x K600 HIGH PROFILE - 28,09E
4x K2200 HIGH PROFILE - 70,51E
1x RTX4000 - 530,04E