(Laptop) WTB: 100, Mixed, multiple, U...

Item Details

Category Laptop
Title (Laptop) WTB: 100, Mixed, multiple, Used, Offer
Brand Mixed
Model multiple
Condition Used
Quantity 100
Price Offer
Description Hi,

we're looking to buy 15 inch laptops this week!

Preferably the following models:

Lenovo L540
Lenovo L550
Lenovo L560
Lenovo L570
Lenovo T550
Lenovo T560
Lenovo T570

Dell E5550
Dell E5560
Dell E5570
Dell E5580

HP 650 G2
HP 650 G3

Grade A/A-

Please send us your offers including Config/Keyboard Layout and Screen Resolution and we can disucss it.

Greetings from Germany
Marco Binder