(Laptop) WTS: 32, Fujitsu E448, i3-71...

Item Details

Category Laptop
Title (Laptop) WTS: 32, Fujitsu E448, i3-7130U 8GB/256GB SSD/CAM, Graded, Offer
Brand Fujitsu E448
Model i3-7130U 8GB/256GB SSD/CAM
Condition Graded
Quantity 32
Price Offer
Description Dear all,

We would like to sell these laptops:
FUJITSU LIFEBOOK E448 CORE I3-7130U 8 GB / 256 GB SSD / CAM / 1366X768 (5x FHD)
12x Grade A / 20x Grade A-
We can change the configuration, and reprint the keyboards on demand.

Please send me your offers.

Thank you.