(Laptop) WTS: 448, Multiple, Multiple...

Item Details

Category Laptop
Title (Laptop) WTS: 448, Multiple, Multiple, Graded, Offer
Brand Multiple
Model Multiple
Condition Graded
Quantity 448
Price Offer
Description Today we have a nice list of Laptop Computers. These will sell by pallet (LPN) but we need line item pricing, not just take all. Please send any offers or any questions you may have. We will be closing this list on Friday June 16 at 11 AM CDT

Thank you for Looking

Cosmetic and Functional Grading

CircleIT is now using the R2V3 cosmetic and functional grading system. Details for grading available upon request.


We accept wire transfer and ACH. Purchase orders are expected within one business day of the award, with payments expected within three business days.


Assets are expected to ship within one week of award. All shipments are made under Ex Works (EXW) trade terms,


Warranty is 30 days DOA