(Laptop) WTS: 464, HP, Core i5 and i7...

Item Details

Category Laptop
Title (Laptop) WTS: 464, HP, Core i5 and i7 (6th Gen.), Graded, Offer
Brand HP
Model Core i5 and i7 (6th Gen.)
Condition Graded
Quantity 464
Price Offer
Description 3x HP 820 G3 - Core i5 & Core i7

Offer 1 - 36x HP 820 G1 i7
17x Core i7 (4th Gen.) / 4096 / 128Gb / Webcam / German keyboards
19x Core i7 (4th Gen.) / 8192 / 128Gb / Webcam / German keyboards

Offer 2 - 111x HP 820 G2 i5 / i7
21x Core i5 (5th Gen.) / 4096 / 128Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards
36x Core i5 (5th Gen.) / 8192 / 256Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards / (9x Touchscreen)
21x Core i7 (5th Gen.) / 4096 / 500Gb / Webcam / German keyboards
33x Core i7 (5th Gen.) / 8192 / 180Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards

Offer 3 - 317x HP 820 G3 i5 / i7
28x Core i5 (6th Gen.) / 8192 / 128Gb / Webcam / Swedish keyboards
57x Core i5 (6th Gen.) / 8192 / 256Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards / (30x Touchscreen)
89x Core i7 (6th Gen.) / 4096 / 500Gb / Webcam / German keyboards
106x Core i7 (6th Gen.) / 8192 / 180Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards
37x Core i7 (6th Gen.) / 8192 / 256Gb / Webcam / Mixed keyboards

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