(Lcd) WTS: 64, Mix, 22 inch, Graded,...

Item Details

Category Lcd
Title (Lcd) WTS: 64, Mix, 22 inch, Graded, Offer
Brand Mix
Model 22 inch
Condition Graded
Quantity 64
Price Offer
Description Pallet ID 52235 TFT 22" 64 units

Ask for the lists if interested and add your offer price against the items you wish to purchase.

The bid will close at 10am on Friday 10th November 2023, please have your prices returned before the closing date and time.

If successful we will raise an invoice for immediate payment, once paid collection and/or delivery will be organised within 48 hours of payment.

Should payment not be received within 24 hours of the invoice been issued then the items will be re-sold.


Grade A – Defined as tested and working units that may have signs of wear and tear.

Grade B – Defined as tested and working units that have signs of wear and tear, brandings and/or tattoo markings.

Grade C – Defined as tested and working units that have many signs of wear and tear, brandings and/or tattoo markings, they may also have missing covers and damage to casings.

Grade D - Defined as untested that have many signs of wear and tear, brandings and/or tattoo markings, they may also have missing covers and damage to casings.