(Parts & Accessories) WTS: 233, Apple...

Item Details

Category Parts & Accessories
Title (Parts & Accessories) WTS: 233, Apple, IPOD A1509, A1288, A1367, A1421 and A1574, Graded, Offer
Brand Apple
Model IPOD A1509, A1288, A1367, A1421 and A1574
Condition Graded
Quantity 233
Price Offer
Description 8 x IPOD Touch A1509
5 x IPOD Classic A1238
13 x IPOD Nano A1236
45 x IPOD Touch A1288
2 x IPOD Touch A1318
93 x IPOD Touch A1367.
45 x IPOD Touch A1421
19 x IPOD Touch A1574

The stock is ready to send out
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GRADE B x 142 units
GRADE C x 91 units

Please get in touch for further information regarding the stock.