(Pc) WTS: 1330, HP Dell Lenovo, mix,...

Item Details

Category Pc
Title (Pc) WTS: 1330, HP Dell Lenovo, mix, Graded, Offer
Brand HP Dell Lenovo
Model mix
Condition Graded
Quantity 1330
Price Offer
Description PCs to sell :
176x PC (C2D, Pentium, Celeron, AMD A4...) : 4€ each
71x PC Pentium G series : 11€ each
138x PC i3 2nd, 3rd, 4th Gen : 17€ each
107x PC i3 6th, 7th, 8th Gen : 43€ each
481x PC i5 2nd, 3rd, 4th Gen : 32€ each
318x PC i5 6th, 7th Gen : 65€ each
39x PC i7 2nd to 7th Gen : 60€ each