(Pc) WTS: 300, Lenovo, ThinkStation P...

Item Details

Category Pc
Title (Pc) WTS: 300, Lenovo, ThinkStation P520- 30BFS5FX00 // 30BFS5FY00, New, Offer
Brand Lenovo
Model ThinkStation P520- 30BFS5FX00 // 30BFS5FY00
Condition New
Quantity 300
Price Offer
Description We have these nice line of new Thinkstation P520 available :
210X 30BFS5FX00 ThinkStation P520, Intel W-2104 (3.20GHz, 8.25Mo), 32.0GB, 1x512GB SSD PCIe, NVIDIA P1000

140X 30BFS5FY00 ThinkStation P520 High Perf, Intel® Xeon® W-2123, 64.0GB, 1x512GB SSD PCIe, NVIDIA P4000

All are packed and ready to sell

Let me know if interested