(Printer) WTS: 169, Triumph Adler GRA...

Item Details

Category Printer
Title (Printer) WTS: 169, Triumph Adler GRADED, LP 4240DN eual to Kyocera 3920dn, Used, Offer
Brand Triumph Adler GRADED
Model LP 4240DN eual to Kyocera 3920dn
Condition Used
Quantity 169
Price Offer
Description Hi
For sale equal to Kyocera FS-3920dn, graded, tested,complete, working;

TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (page counter: up to1 k. pages)
TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (page counter: 1-5 k. pages)
TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (page counter: 5-10 k. pages)
TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (page counter: 10-20 k. pages)
TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (page counter: 20-30 k. pages)
TA Triumph-Adler LP 4240DN (not tested)
169 pcs in total.
Ask for detaild and price.