(Storage) WTS: 100, HSTG, HUH721010AL...

Item Details

Category Storage
Title (Storage) WTS: 100, HSTG, HUH721010AL4204 10TB 7.2K SAS 12G., Graded, Offer
Brand HSTG
Model HUH721010AL4204 10TB 7.2K SAS 12G.
Condition Graded
Quantity 100
Price Offer
Description Hello and a very good day to you,

We have the following hard drives for sale. Please see pictures for details.

100 pcs HSTG HUH721010AL4204 10TB 7.2K SAS 12G.

Please send your fair offers if interested.

We appreciate your reply and look forward in doing business with you

Best regards and have a great day.

Arnold von Weiler

JepDeals The Netherlands
Arnold von Weiler
Amersfoortseweg 15-2
3735LJ Bosch en Duin
The Netherlands.
Phone/Whatsapp : +31-6-15111531