Time is a commodity and a commodity that not many of us can afford to squander or waste on the parts of your job that you find yourself wishing were a lot easier to perform.
It’s not your lack of expertise holding you back but rather the software you’re using that’s causing the hold up.
In an over saturated market standing out on the right list and moving your position in the supply chain needs to happen fast to save you time and money.
The constant logging in and out of your trading platform to check on a status or for the latest listings, is the last thing that’s going to achieve this.
But, it’s not just accessing your lists that’s the issue, it’s how they are managed that leaves a lot of room for improvement.For example, your ICT selling list is diverse and nuanced. A cable is not a computer it demands to be categorized with much greater clarity, rather than being lumped together under a universal heading.
Finally on your list of frustrations is the process of tracking down just the right buyer or seller. This single step has left you feeling irritated and on the back foot as you spend far too much time tracking down your preferred choice of buyer or seller and nowhere near enough time actually running your business.
Sound familiar? It seems that not all trading platforms are created equal and though you might find one that ticks most of the boxes there are often gaping holes of functionality that can’t be ignored. Luckily the developers behind Global ICT Connections (GICT), know all about this. They worked for years under similar conditions, until they finally said: “enough is enough” and branched out on their own to create the perfect platform.
One of the major advantages is its broadcast list management. Quite simply, it is spot on. Not only does it deliver the very latest broadcast lists right to your inbox negating the need for you to keep logging in, it also helps you pinpoint exactly the right trader by narrowing the list down to your preferred country, location or activity.
But perhaps the area where users feel they’re really gaining an advantage is the precise nature of listings. No more broad categories that take far too long to search through, the GICT headings let buyers and sellers know exactly what they’re getting and where to find it. The beauty of this system is that if your ICT equipment doesn’t have anywhere it really fits, the team can easily create a category for you. No more rigid headings that don’t really mean anything or just having to ‘make do’.
You’d think there’d be a catch really. After all it’s very rare to get something for nothing. And it’s true this service doesn’t come free, but it does come reasonably priced, so reasonably priced that you’ll probably end up paying less than you do now with your current platform.
You didn’t get where you are today by paying for second class services, so apply that same smart sense to you trading platform and save time, money and your sanity with this innovative platform made by people like you, for people like you.